UpdateStar Premium Edition 1-Year License Giveaway

$0.0 $34.95 Get it free
$0.0 $34.95 Get it free

What is UpdateStar Premium?

UpdateStar Premium Edition is a powerful software management tool that can scan your computer for outdated softwares and automatically update them to keep your PC running smoothly. This tool can help you upgrade outdated software to the latest version with just a few clicks, saving you time and effort. It supports a wide range of software and has a large database including over 1.8 million products, assuring full coverage.

Backup and restore functionality is one of the powerful features of UpdateStar Premium. It has the ability to save your software settings and easily restore them if you ever need to reset your PC or switch devices. Additionally, it recommends new programs that might interest you according to your software usage.

UpdateStar Premium Giveaway Code
UpdateStar Premium Edition 1-Year License Giveaway 1

Key Features

  • UpdateStar Premium automatically scans your computer for outdated softwares and updates them with just a few clicks.
  • With a database covering over 1.8 million programs, it supports a wide range of software, ensuring you can keep almost all your applications current.
  • The backup and restore feature allows you to back up your software settings, making it easy to restore configurations if you need to reset your PC or switch devices.
  • Receive notifications for new updates and security patches, helping you stay ahead of potential vulnerabilities.
  • Based on your software usage, UpdateStar suggests new programs that might be of interest to you.
  • The Premium Edition includes a security analysis feature that helps identify and mitigate potential security risks associated with outdated software.
  • Ensures that every download is verified for safety, protecting you from malicious software.
  • Tailor the update process to your preferences, including scheduling updates at convenient times.

Supported OS: Windows 11/10/8/8.1/7/
Price: $34.95/year/PC

How to get the UpdateStar Premium license key for free?

Step 1. Visit the UpdateStar Premium giveaway page

Please enter your name an email address to get your free license code

updatestar premium free giveaway page
UpdateStar Premium Edition 1-Year License Giveaway 2
get updatestar premium code
UpdateStar Premium Edition 1-Year License Giveaway 3

Step 2. Download the installer software on your computer –> UpdateStar_ENU.msi

install updatestar premium
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Please enter your name and license code to activate the software

register updatestar premium
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Step 3. Enjoy it for a 1-year free!

subscription updatestar premium edition
UpdateStar Premium Edition 1-Year License Giveaway 6

Terms & Conditions

  • This is a 1-year license for version 15.0
  • Non-commercial usage
  • No free updates and tech support

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Tickcoupon Giveaway (developed by Tickcoupon, Inc) is one of the most popular software giveaway websites. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Email address: giveaway@tickcoupon.com

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