Soft Xpansion Perfect PDF 9 Converter Giveaway
Perfect PDF 9 Converter is a powerful software that you can convert any printable file into a PDF using the print to PDF function. It can be integrated into Windows Explorer, Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Visio, and Project), OpenOffice.org (Writer, Calc, Impress, Draw, Base, Math), Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Thunderbird.
Highlight Features:
- PDF-printer: create PDF-files out of every application with print function on a virtual printer
- Create PDF-files out of text-, RTF-, XPS- or image files or out of scanned images
- Integration in other software packages. Import of metadata out of Microsoft Office-documents: links, form fields, bookmarks, comments.
- Edit PDF-documents
- Advanced search function in folders and embedded PDF-files
- Snapshot, tape measure, selection tools, magnifier
System Requirements:
- Windows compatible PC, 150 MB HDD
- Windows 10, 8.1, 8.0, 7 or Windows Server 2016, 2012 R2, 2008 R2 (32-bit and 64-bit)
- Integration (if available):
– Microsoft Office 2016 / 2013 / 2010 / 2007 (32-bit and 64-bit)
– OpenOffice.org, version 3+
– Windows Explorer
Price: 10.99 €
How to get Perfect PDF 9 Converter License Key for Free?
To start the online registration procedure for Perfect PDF 9 Converter, you need to follow these steps:
1. Go to this GIVEAWAY PAGE
2. Just enter your email address, agree to receive the newsletter and accept the data privacy policy. Then click on “Request serial number”
3. Check email to confirm
4. Your free serial number will be sent to you to the email address you have provided.
5. Download => Install => Activate with your serial number.
Special Offer for you:
If you want to order Perfect PDF 10 Converter at a discounted price, don’t miss out this amazing Soft Xpansion coupon code

thank you i got the program and installed it
when i go to the link of “GIVEAWAY PAGE” i got this message
Your connection is not fully secure
This site uses an outdated security configuration, which may expose your information (for example, passwords, messages, or credit cards) when it is sent to this site.
so what i can do?
Choose “Advanced” then “Process (unsafe)” as this video: https://youtu.be/Y8zj1Ss7Zeg?t=43
Thank you for your reply.
Doesn’t working
Hi, this giveaway is over.