Table of Contents
What is Epubor KCR Converter
Epubor KCR Converter is the first and unique one that lets you export and convert Kindle Cloud Reader books to PDF/EPUB/Mobi/AZW3 directly. You simply begin with KCR Converter, choose the output format and then click on the “Convert” button, then all of your Kindle books already downloaded from Kindle Cloud Reader will be converted to DRM-free data. This quick and simple application can support you to read Kindle books freely and back up Kindle books easily.

Key Features:
- Requirements: Use Chrome to go to the Kindle Cloud Reader, Ensure Offline Reading, and Download & Pin the book.
- Extract DRM from Kindle Cloud Reader directly; you don’t need to install the Kindle desktop app or use the Kindle eReader.
- Convert Kindle Cloud Reader to Mobi, AZW3, and ePub (PDF not included).
Pros: Easy convert Kindle Cloud Reader to DRM-free EPUB, Mobi, AZW3
Cons: None
System Requirement: Windows Vista/ 7/ 8/ 10
Price: $29.99
How to get the Epubor KCR Converter for Windows Giveaway?
1. Download Epubor KCR Converter (Windows) via this LINK
2. Install => Copy this licensed email address and click on “Register”
Licensed Email:
Licensed Email:

3. Enjoy Epubor KCR Converter for Windows!

Term of use
- This software can be used for one year once it is registered.