DriverMax PRO 16 1-Year Giveaway

$0.0 $57.75 Get it free
$0.0 $57.75 Get it free

What is DriverMax PRO?

DriverMax PRO is an easy-to-use and powerful driver-updating software for anyone on Windows. With its super intuitive interface and advanced features, it ensures that your system always has access to the latest and most reliable versions. With this software, you can update, backup, and restore outdated, missing, or faulty drivers for more than 2,300,000 devices.

Furthermore, DriverMax PRO has the ability to automatically test each new driver before installing it on your PC, ensuring its proper functioning. In addition, this software is also a good fit for saving your current driver configurations and revert to them if necessary.

DriverMax PRO Giveaway Key Free
DriverMax PRO 16 1-Year Giveaway 1

Key features

  • DriverMax PRO is designed to help you scan your system for outdated drivers and update them with the latest versions from its extensive database.
  • With its help, you can also create backups of your current drivers.
  • Additionally, you have the option to restore all drivers from the backup in case of a system failure or after reinstalling the operating system.
  • DriverMax PRO helps optimize the performance of your hardware, leading to faster system operations and a smoother user experience.
  • It can be used to schedule scans to run automatically at set intervals.
  • This tool evaluates the drivers you currently have and offers the most recent versions for more than 2,300,000 devices.
  • Before installing a new driver on your computer, DriverMax automatically analyzes it to make sure it is operating properly.
  • It also makes a system restore point and backs up the current drivers, making it possible to quickly undo the installation.

Supported OS: Windows 11/10/8.1/8/7/Vista/XP, and Windows Server all editions.

Price: $57.75/year

How to get the DriverMax Pro 1-year giveaway?

You should change your location to Germany, Austria, and Switzerland to get this giveaway!

Step 1. Go to the DriverMax Pro giveaway page —> link-1 link-2

🏆🏆🏆 Special Offer for You: Be late for the above giveaway, don’t worry! Browsing a free and great DriverMax coupon code is the most effective way to save 25% on the DriverMax pro version with full features.

Get 85% OFF DriverMax – 30 days subscription coupon code
Get 85% OFF DriverMax – 30 days subscription coupon code
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Get 85% OFF DriverMax - 1 year subscription coupon code
Get 85% OFF DriverMax - 1 year subscription coupon code
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Get 80% OFF DriverMax - 2 years subscription coupon code
Get 80% OFF DriverMax - 2 years subscription coupon code
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Get 80% OFF DriverMax - lifetime subscription Coupon Code
Get 80% OFF DriverMax - lifetime subscription Coupon Code
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Enter your name and email address. Then click “Absenden”.

DriverMax giveaway - Registration
DriverMax PRO 16 1-Year Giveaway 2

Step 2. Open your email to check an email with the serial number. If the email does not arrive within five minutes, please check your SPAM folder.

get drivermax pro license key
DriverMax PRO 16 1-Year Giveaway 3

Step 3. Download the installer for version 16.16.13 —>

Install the software on your computer, then register with the license code to upgrade the software to the Pro version:

register drivermax pro
DriverMax PRO 16 1-Year Giveaway 4

Please input your email and password on the User Registration Wizard window to create a new Drivermax account (it will help you store your license information).

user registration wizard drivermax pro
DriverMax PRO 16 1-Year Giveaway 5

Step 4. Now you can enjoy the Pro version for 1 year free with full functions!

drivermax pro subscription
DriverMax PRO 16 1-Year Giveaway 6

Terms & Conditions

  • This is a 1-year license for 1PC
  • This giveaway just only works for German, Austria, and Switzerland residents
  • You will get free updates for version 16.x
  • No free tech support
  • Register ASAP
8 Total Score

User Rating: 4 (11 votes)

Disclosure: At TickGiveaway, we are dedicated to providing you with transparent and trustworthy information about software products. Some of the links on our site are affiliate links, which means we may earn a commission if you click on the link and make a purchase. This comes at no additional cost to you.


Tickcoupon Giveaway (developed by Tickcoupon, Inc) is one of the most popular software giveaway websites. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Email address:

  1. Totally bricked my Pc. Currently reinstalling Windows 11. Avoid!

  2. Reply Avatar of Koalik
    Koalik Subscriber April 3, 2024 at 9:30 am

    why says invalid registration , after i put the code? it is not working

  3. Ich wohne in Germany. Nicht mal hier funktioniert es. Großer Müll!

  4. plz send my code in gmail

  5. Activation code: DMX-COUNTRY-NOT-ALLOWED \

    wasting time .. damm

  6. i get the code but it work for Germany region.
    Another code sent me,Admin.

  7. You can only get it if you’re in Germany /or/ if you’re using a German IP

  8. Reply Avatar of عبدالمجيد ربابعة
    عبدالمجيد ربابعة April 6, 2021 at 8:18 am

    somwthing else … when i scanned my drivers & started downoudinf puped up a massege say its only for germans , so we have to use the vpn to downloud the new drivers .

  9. Reply Avatar of عبدالمجيد ربابعة
    عبدالمجيد ربابعة April 6, 2021 at 7:50 am

    thanx worked fine after changed vpn location to germany , you didnt mention that at first lol , so i have used another email as the first one gave me invalid & wasn’t able to use it again with vpn

  10. Admin can you pls help me with a key, I’m unable to get one 🙁

  11. im from belgium 1- i changed my ip adress to germany 2- i create an account on DriveMax website 3- i get my key in 1 minut DONE!

    thanks a lot 🙂

  12. License Key: DMX-COUNTRY-NOT-ALLOWED not Working

  13. It said it is Invalid registration code!

  14. Not valid anymore

  15. The first 2 links are still active. Thanks.
    The license is for 2 years, use a proxy for Germany.

  16. Thanks!

  17. Not working in all countries

  18. Thanks for your post. I have got one key for my PC.

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